Fantasia Review: Alien Trespass

July 18, 2009

Alien Trespass is a movie directed by RW Goodwin of X-Files fame and stars Eric McCormack and Robert Patrick. It takes place in the 1950’s and although it may look like an homage to the alien, sci-fi films of that era, it isn’t. It actually is an alien, sci-fi film from that era. Just in the now.

When a fiery object crashes into the mountains the entire desert town becomes intrigued by it. Two teens necking in the mountains see it coming right for them and scram. McCormack plays an astronomer named Ted who lives with his gorgeous wife Lana, played by the delightful Jody Thompson. Ted investigates and well…the fun begins. The hunt for a creature that escaped the ship begins and there isn’t one wasted moment. The pace is perfect.

A movie like this could have easily been black and white. But I’m happy it wasn’t because the colors pop out on screen. The era seemed to be a colorful one and I’m glad it’s displayed as luminous as it is in the film. Like the cheese known as Plan 9 from Outer Space, the effects are poor. But unlike Plan, they’re poor in Trespass on purpose. And it really adds to the tone of the film. The humor is well paced and the script is written in that “gee wilikers” sort of manner which works perfectly. One real shinning point of the film is the absolute fantastic performance of Jenny Baird. She’s beyond amazing in the role of waitress Tammy. I hope we all see more of her after this.

VERDICT – 8/10

10 Years and 100 Bullets

July 18, 2009

It is in my opinion, one of the greatest pieces of literature in any form. The (un)lucky 13th volume of Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso’s 100 Bullets came out last Wednesday and after 10 years it’s all over. Published by DC Comics and their mature imprint, Vertigo, 100 Bullets is my all-time favorite comic book/graphic novel of all time. It’s rich in fantastic dialogue, engrossing art and some of the most memorable characters ever printed.

I should start by saying that I’ve been a comic geek most of my life. I was introduced to them by my big brother when I was a kid. I fell out of it for a long while, but then picked up a graphic novel called Split Second Chance. It was volume 2 of 100 Bullets. I admit it didn’t swoon me right away. But when my brother brought home volume 5, The Counterfiifth Detective I was hooked. I was lost and wanted to be found.

The set-up was simple: Agent Graves gives you a briefcase. In it, a picture of someone and irrefutable evidence that the poor schmuck pictured made your life shit. Also, the means for revenge in the form of 100 untraceable bullets and carte blanche from any and all forms of law enforcement. But as the story got deeper, it was about way more than that. You see America was built on blood. 13 families created a “Trust” to control the power in the country and in order to maintain that trust they implemented a system: 7 men would make sure that the Trust stayed in line and if any moves were made against a member by a member, Agent Graves and the Minutemen would deal with that house. A Mr. Shepherd acted as a liaison between the Trust and the Minutemen giving orders to them when needed.

Seems fair right? Wrong because it gets rough. The Trust decides that the Minutemen are obsolete and decide to betray them. Graves doesn’t like it and hides his Minuteman into society with the intent of “waking them up” when he needs them. A review of all 13 volumes lies head after the jump.

13 Volumes, 100 Bullets

Widow’s Peak

July 16, 2009

Entertainment Weekly has got the first pic of ScarJo as the Black Widow in Iron Man 2. I love her but I thought that original choice Emily Blunt would’ve benn perfect. Seeing the pic has instilled confidence in ScarJo to play Miss Romanova. The magazine hits stands tomorrow and the movie next summer.

Sarah Silverman FTW

July 16, 2009

Congratulations to the fantastic, effervescent, dynamic, amazing, hilarious, genius Sarah Silverman for her Emmy nomination this morning. Hearing her name in the Best Female lead in a Comedy category made my day. I hope she takes it. Full list of nominations here.